Zuul is the modbot I've written for Bitmines.  It allows users to share the powers of the moderator by allowing anyone with a modbot password to give it commands, which it then performs.  This is so that as long as at least one responsible user is active in the group, there is an active moderator.  In the past, users in the group have suffered when an outsider wandered in and made themselves annoying while the moderator was afk.  I wrote modbot because certain annoying individuals have started making Bitmines their "eliteness" proving ground, grabbing modship when the last bitminer signs off and so on.
      The way Zuul works is fairly simple.  Anyone with a modbot password sends it a message of the form:
 /m Zuul [password] [command]
      Zuul checks the name of the user against the password, and then ''types'' the given command, eg:
 /m Zuul mylamepassword /topic THERE IS NO MOD
      Zuul also announces to the group who has asked it to perform a command and what that command was, eg:
 <Zuul> {ttk} /topic THERE IS NO MOD
      This was done to avoid abuse; not everyone in bitmines is as mature as I'd like, and last time I tried setting up a modbot there was some trouble.
      There are also some special commands which Zuul knows how to perform.  They may be used by anyone with a modbot password.  They take the place of the [command] part of the message sent to Zuul.
  add [user] [pass]     Add a new user with the given password.
  change [user] [pass]  Changes the user's password.
  quit                  Cause Zuul to exit.
  save                  Obsolete; causes Zuul to save its user list 
                          to disk.  Currently Zuul always does this
                          whenever a new user is added.
  reload                Cause Zuul to reload its user list from disk.

      Zuul does a few other things.  It logs everything that happens in Bitmines (as well as some debugging information) and adds timestamps periodically.  It also keys on a few public messages and says funny things.  Finally, ''/m Zuul help'' will point you to this web page.  I may add more stuff to Zuul later as I have time and inclination.
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