[Aerial of Hiroshima Ground Zero]Hiroshima and Nagasaki

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Statement by the President of the United States, August 6, 1945
This is the complete text President Truman's speech announcing the atomic attack on Hiroshima and revealing for the first time the existence of the Manhattan Project. [ASCII text version]

The Atomic Bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki (148k)
This report was released by the Manhattan Engineer District (Manhattan Project) on June 29, 1946. It describes the two cities before the atomic attacks, gives a short narrative of the attacks, and describes the effects on the cities and their inhabitants. Of special interest is the "Eyewitness Account of Hiroshima, August 6, 1945," by Father John Siemes. It is derived from an interview with Father Siemes. He was a colleague of Father Kleinsorge, who figured prominently in John Hersey's book "Hiroshima." [ASCII text version, 153KB] [Adobe Acrobat PDF version, 182KB]

Eyewitness with the Atomic Bomb Mission over Nagasaki, August 9, 1945
William Laurence was the only reporter allowed into the Manhattan Project during the war. This is his account of flying on one of the observation planes in the atomic attack on Nagasaki. [ASCII text version]


Videos of Hiroshima
Scenes of the devastated city including the unforgettable shadows of pedestrians who were on a bridge at the time of the blast.

Interview with Father John Siemes, Eyewitness to Hiroshima
Includes the complete text of Father Siemes' story as well as video segments from the filmed interview.

Nagasaki Videos
showing aerial views of the atomic fireball, mushroom cloud, and destruction after the blast.

Copyright © 1995-2000 Gregory Walker (gwalker@jump.net), Creator of Trinity Atomic Web Site
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Most of the documents, photos, maps and videos presented here are from U.S. Government documents and believed to be in the public domain, unless specifically noted.

Last updated: January 9, 2000.